Kettle Whistle

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She said, do you think you could?
And I said, yeah, in a second. . .
I'm sitting by a waterfall and when the people jump in
They hold their nose and kiss these walls
Granite walls, water-polished walls
Just don't ever want to move from this spot
You can sit here for so long!
There's a slide, suislide, you can live or die
Going down, going down, go down!
Boy came to the side
I said, "You want to go down that slide?"
He said, "No man, hey you got a joint to sell me?"
We just smoked one, we got a roach we said. . .
"I'll smoke the roach!"
But first go down that slide man
Go on down, go on down, go on down!
I'm sitting by a waterfall. . .
Could bear to watch the people sit and fall
You know the plants on the rocks are crazy
Thinking that they could start a life
On the spiral walls of a waterfall!
Slow divers?
Their view is spectacular!
It's not just the words if hardly at's the music, melody, harmonious eeriness, coupled with Perry's famous pitch. Somehow it wraps around you and snuggles you like an old favorite blanket should; just perfectly. God I love this cd.When I think of all the things I've done in my youth with this cd playing in the background; pausing occasionally in a lucid trance to ponder in amazement at just how great it sounds. How absolutely perfect for the moment it was each time I caught a note, chorus, bridge or wail. Nothing happening and it still is absolutely perfect.
Three days was the morning.
My focus three days old.
My head, it landed to the sounds of cricket bows...
I am proud man anyway...
Covered now by three days...
Three ways was the morning.
Three lovers, in three ways.
We knew when she landed, three days she'd stay.
I am a proud man anyway...
Covered now by three days...
We saw shadows of the morning light
The shadows of the evening sun
Till the shadows and the light were one.
Shadows of the morning light
The shadows of the evening sun
Till the shadows and the light were one...
True hunting is over.
No herds to follow.
Without game, men prey on each other.
The family weakens by the bite we swallow...
True leaders gone, of land and people.
We choose no kin but adopted strangers.
The family weakens by the length we travel...
All of us with wings...
All of us with wings...
All of us with wings!
All of us with wings!
All of us with wings!
All of us with wings!
Erotic Jesus lays with his Marys.
Loves his Marys.
Bits of puzzle, hitting each other.
All now with wings!
'Oh my Marys!
Never wonder...
Night is shelter for nudity's shiver...'
All now with wings...