Soccer moms rule!
2:24 PM Posted In PTA , school kids , soccer Edit This 0 Comments »
My goal right now is to find a way to get a sponsor for our school because we need $15,000 in order to have all day kindergarten next year. Now, I have a pre-k kid right now so next year is Kindergarten for him so I can't tell you how important it is that both of those boys be in school all day. It is essential for my sanity (and yours too actually). So yes, my motives are purely selfish, but there is a huge benefit to all if we can get it accomplished.
Soccer practice rained out today, game tomorrow at noon! So far out little team has clobbered the competition and let's hope tomorrow is no different. I'd end this with some sort of cool "gooooooooo *insert team name here* but we don't have a team name yet, we're the kids in the purple shirts.
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