Whats a mom to do?
9:51 AM Posted In basketball , kids , soccer , tee ball , video games Edit This 1 Comment »
This is what my boys look like most of the time. It seems that on the weekends I only know them by the backs of their head since they are glued to the XBox or the computer. W don't allow the XBox to be played during the week so when the weekend comes those boys are in full throttle to race to that machine and get lost in a world of Lego Knights Kingdom, Grabbed by the Ghoulies, Cars or their newest obsession Disney Extreme Skateboarding. Lord I love my children and am impressed with their video game genius but good grief they would live in front of that thing if we let them. That's why we let them go crazy with it on the weekends. Of course, every.single.damned.day. Eli asks "'is today a weekend?" He's like a junkie looking for a fix sometimes! Kristopher is no better let me tell you! Their hearts are in the right place I suppose and we do make sure they get plenty of exercise, fresh air and fun outside of the home to make up for their glazed over eyes when the video games are on. They play soccer, basketball and tee ball so I don't think we are warping them too much right?
Oh, they aren't fully warped! If it helps, there was that one study that said kids who play video games have an average of 20 point higher IQs. There is that.
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